Do you know what your children are doing online?
As children gain more exposure to new devices, apps and games they also are exposed to a greater range of E-Safety issues. It is absolutely vital that you as a parent are regularly monitoring the apps/games and content your children are being exposed to while online. We as a school recommend the following steps for all parents....
1)When your child gets a new device (phone/tablet/game console) check the parental settings and possible restrictions that can be used and ensure you are happy with the content your child can access through the device.
2)When your child wants to download a new app or game ensure you research it thoroughly. What is the purpose of it? What does it allow your child to do? What safety features does it have to help keep your child safe? is a great tool for checking out apps/games and relevant safety information.
3)Check with your internet provider, what restrictions/services do they offer to help protect children whilst on the internet.
4) Most modern mobile phones allow us to monitor screen time of devices and apps being used. You should check your child's device on a regular basis to ensure your child is not overusing the internet or certain apps. Have meaningul conversations with your child when you identify issues in order to develop their ability to self-regualte their usage as they become more independent.
5)Ensure children are not alone in a room when using an internet connected device.
6)Encourage your children to discuss content they see online which causes them upset.
7)Add security settings to any device/app which is linked with your bank account.

How do we as a school promote good E-Safety behaviours?
As a school we are commited to promoting good E-Safety behaviours with all of our students.
To help us achieve this we do the following....
1) All Keystage 3 students do an E-Safety themed unit of work in ICT each year.
2) Good E-Safety behaviours are promoted where appropriate within all subject areas across all keystages.
3)Each room has a set of E-Safety posters displayed in a prominent place, this are referenced regularly during lessons.
4)We carry out E-Safety audits of our students twice a year to identify issues and communicate appropriate messages to students and parents.
5) We as a school participate in Safer Internet Day each year.
6) We perform Social Media MOTS each year. This involves discussing the main apps and games students are using, highlighting the dangers and reviewing the settings and restrictions which can be used to protect the students whilst using Social Media.