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19th December 2022

Our Year 11 Pupil Maja created the most beautiful Christmas card for us this year at Saint Kevin's College - she drew three different designs and allowed Mr Kelly to pick the winner. We are lucky to have such a talent in our school! She is pictured with mum Angela and SEN coordinator Mr Boyle and Principal Mr Kelly.

Well done Maja Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!

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16th December 2022

Our Year 11 Students created an array of wonderful hampers for their Act of Kindness and each form class created their own food hamper which was then donated to the Food Bank in Lisnaskea - this will go towards helping those most in need.

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15th December 2022

There were some wonderful culinary smells coming from the kitchens in Saint Kevin's College when the Home Economic Practical’s were taking place. They each had to create a three-course meal to meet the recommended five a day from soups to stews and everything in between.

They had three hours to complete this task, and this will go towards forming a mark for their GCSE. Well done to all the students and teachers and support staff involved!

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